International Conference on Arba'in and Culture of Resistance
International Conference on Arba'in and Culture of Resistance

"International Conference on Arba'in and Culture of Resistance" will be held by the universities of Kerman in cooperation with some cultural and research organizations and institutions on the 24 and 25  February 2025. The purpose of holding this conference is to clarify and research the various aspects of the Arba'in pilgrimage and its cultural, social, spiritual, and economic effects, to promote interdisciplinary discussions on Arba'in, to provide the grounds for the dialogue between different religions and Islamic branches from the perspective of Arba'in, to address the concepts of the culture of resistance, to consider generally relevant capacities, privileges, and harms, and to present scientific and practical methods related to Arba'in and the culture of resistance.

To think together and present research findings on Arba'in, researchers from different countries have been invited to participate in this conference.

The scientific committee of the conference accepts all relevant research papers written in Farsi, Arabic, and English.


The themes of the conference include:

- Arba'in and the culture of resistance

- Arba'in, international relations and law

- Arba'in and economy

- Arba'in, spirituality, morality, and health

- Arba'in, culture, art, and media

- Arba'in and modern Islamic civilization

- Arba'in and the culture of Intizar (Waiting for the Savior)


Interested participants and researchers can present their research works on topics related to the above themes as well as other topics related to Arba'in and Arba'in procession as a magnificent and influential international event in cultural, social, spiritual and economic terms at this conference.


Conference Web:

Public Relations Department of the Conference

2024-07-31 (7 MonthAgo)
International Conference of Arbaeen and Culture of Resistance
Shahid Soleimani Islamic Azad University
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman